In which I post the 2300AD Astrosynthesis DB file that I used to map out the arms using my realistic stellar databases!
[Stellar Mapping] Extended Hipparcos dataset added!
[Stellar Mapping] I’ve replaced the New Reduction Hipparcos data with the brand new Extended Hipparcos dataset, so if you downloaded it previously then please head back and download the new data! Also, my stellar mapping site now proudly bears the Atomic Rockets Seal of Approval! 🙂
[Stellar Mapping] CTIOPI dataset added, Stellar Mapping page reorganised!
[Stellar Mapping] I’ve added a new stellar dataset (CTIOPI) and updated the DENSE dataset, and also reorganised the Stellar Mapping page!
[Stellar Mapping] The 2300AD Near Star Map
In which I compare the Near Star Map from the 2300AD RPG to the actual distribution of stars around Sol and find many interesting differences!
[Stellar Mapping] How to make your own stellar database!
In which I describe how to use the VizieR database to make your own stellar database with Galactic XYZ co-ordinates (and how to import it into Astrosynthesis too)!
Website Update: Stellar Mapping page updated!
In which I update my Stellar Mapping page, which now includes star data out to 300ly from Sol, Equatorial to Galactic co-ordinate converters, and support for Astrosynthesis!
Still alive
In which I (unsurprisingly) report that the Rapture didn’t happen.
Rapture: It ain’t gonna happen.
In which I predict that the Rapture won’t happen, and I break out the Facepalm.
Happy Sagan Day!
In which I talk about Carl Sagan and how awesome Cosmos was.