In which I announce the release of System Book 2: Xibalba – a new supplement that I wrote for Spica Publishing!
[Science] A natural nuclear reactor on Mars? Not likely…
In which I point out the perils of mistaking conference abstracts for peer-reviewed science papers!
[Boardgames] High Frontier – first session report!
In which I play the excellent High Frontier boardgame for the first time, and claim Ganymede for ESA!
Curiosity Sol 2 & 3 Image Roundup!
More amazing images from Curiosity have arrived, and I explain the difference between all those cameras that it’s using!
More images from Curiosity!
More images from Curiosity, plus an awesome descent video!
Curiosity is on Mars!
Curiosity has landed successfully on Mars! Congratulations to everyone involved!
[Stellar Mapping] Brown Dwarf dataset added, plus some major updates!
[Stellar Mapping] I’ve uploaded a new Brown Dwarf dataset, and updated many of the other stellar datasets (visit the Stellar Mapping page to download the new versions!)
[Stellar Mapping] Historical Datasets (Yale & Gliese3)
I’ve now moved the Yale and Gliese3 stellar datasets to this blog post to keep them separate from the more accurate data on the Stellar Mapping page!
[Stellar Mapping] Extended Hipparcos dataset added!
[Stellar Mapping] I’ve replaced the New Reduction Hipparcos data with the brand new Extended Hipparcos dataset, so if you downloaded it previously then please head back and download the new data! Also, my stellar mapping site now proudly bears the Atomic Rockets Seal of Approval! 🙂
[Stellar Mapping] CTIOPI dataset added, Stellar Mapping page reorganised!
[Stellar Mapping] I’ve added a new stellar dataset (CTIOPI) and updated the DENSE dataset, and also reorganised the Stellar Mapping page!