Category: Streams

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture – full playthrough

I’ve posted a full playthrough of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture on Youtube! I hope you take a look at it, it’s a fantastic story with great characters, beautiful graphics and an amazing soundtrack! If you enjoy watching it then I’d love to hear what you think in the comments, and please do like the videos and subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Episode 1: Quarantine: find out what happens to the inhabitants of the sleepy English village of Yaughton as they are visited by an unearthly force far beyond their understanding!

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[Elite Dangerous] First Stream is now online!

And now for something completely different – I have started streaming! I now have my very own Twitch page at and I’ll be streaming Elite Dangerous there on a semi-regular basis (check the twitch page or my twitter for updates)!

I’ve already finished my first stream this evening, and you can now see the whole thing on youtube at . Highlights include a few neutron star boosts, finding a moon that orbited very close to the edge of its gas giant primary’s ring system, and a big landable icy planet. Plus an explanation about how planetary rings work, and a few rants about the inaccuracies of Elite Dangerous :).

Elite Dangerous 21Feb2017 stream

So if you’d like to join me as I explore the galaxy in Elite Dangerous, please check out the twitch page and videos and Follow me there to be notified about when I’ll be streaming again!