The next step on my journey to Colonia was from Sacaqawea Space Port in the Skaudaii AA-A Nebula to Gagarin Gate in the Gru Hypue AA-A Nebula, between the 14th March and the 25th March 3303. This was covered in Exploration Streams #7-10, which are available on my youtube channel!
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[Elite Dangerous] The Great Colonia Expedition Part 3 – Eagle Nebula to Sacaqawea Space Port (Skaudai AA-A Nebula)
Here is the third leg of the Great Colonia Expedition, from Eagle’s Landing in the Eagle Nebula to Sacaqawea Space Port – the voyage was from the 17th Feb to 11th March 3303! I also found my first Ammonia World here! During the trip I started up my Elite Dangerous Exploration Streams at, so you can see where I took some of these in my streams too!
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