My third expedition was a rather roundabout trip that started off as an investigation of the NGC 7822 nebula (an interesting line of stars that are visible from the vicinity of the North American Nebula). I ended up seeing a little more than that though…! (January 3303)
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[Elite Dangerous] Expedition #2 – Antares.
My second expedition was to the supergiant star Antares. I’d been there before in my Cobra Mk III when ED was first released, but I didn’t have an Advanced Discovery Scanner then and it was harder to plot a route to because the plotting distance limit was about 100 ly. This time around I was better prepared, heading out in a new Keelback with an ADS and fighter bay!
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[Elite Dangerous] Expedition #1 – Alpha Cygni and the Sadr Nebula.
I’ll be posting my Elite Dangerous Exploration Galleries here so I can have them somewhere safely archived (and more accessible than Facebook or G+). So here’s my first proper exploration trip to Deneb and the Sadr Nebula in my Asp Explorer! (December 3302).
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[Elite Dangerous] First Stream is now online!
And now for something completely different – I have started streaming! I now have my very own Twitch page at and I’ll be streaming Elite Dangerous there on a semi-regular basis (check the twitch page or my twitter for updates)!
I’ve already finished my first stream this evening, and you can now see the whole thing on youtube at . Highlights include a few neutron star boosts, finding a moon that orbited very close to the edge of its gas giant primary’s ring system, and a big landable icy planet. Plus an explanation about how planetary rings work, and a few rants about the inaccuracies of Elite Dangerous :).
So if you’d like to join me as I explore the galaxy in Elite Dangerous, please check out the twitch page and videos and Follow me there to be notified about when I’ll be streaming again!