Stumbled Upon!

It seems that someone has linked my Worldbuilding page on Stumbleupon – thank you, whoever did that! I hope more people find it useful as a result. 🙂

I am very slowly adding more pictures to the General 3D Artwork page – I’m gradually getting the hang of the new NextGen Gallery add-on (the PicLens slideshow seems to be working, but I can’t get the Flash one to work anymore for some reason), and also re-rendering the images as necessary to make them bigger than 640×480.

I should add that while the Space Art and POVray Voyager pages that were here before will soon be back online, I have decided not to bring my Planetary Maps back online – fact is, people can find much higher quality maps online nowadays so they’re pretty redundant. I hope people found them useful while they were up though :).

I’ll post further updates when the other art pages are up!