Welcome to the Lair of Evil Dr Ganymede! On this site, youβll find my articles about Battletech, Elite Dangerous, 2300AD and Science as well as more general articles about role-playing games, worldbuilding, and Stellar Mapping that I’ve written or co-authored, along with artwork that I’ve created using 3D modelling software (POVray and Lightwave) over the years. I’ve also put my Ph.D. Thesis and abstracts online on my Science page.
I run a blog here in which I generally talk about RPGs and worldbuilding, and interesting planetary science and astronomy topics, and any other stuff I find interesting too (you can read all the blog entries below this post, so scroll down! To read the full article, just click on the title of the entry in the blog). There’s no fixed schedule, I just post whenever I feel I have something interesting to say :). If you just want to read blog entries about specific subjects (e.g. Battletech, 2300AD, Science, Worldbuilding, Stellar Mapping, etc) you can just click the link in the sidebar on the right under “Categories” (you can use that link as a bookmark too).
I also sometimes post boardgame and videogame playthrough videos on my my Youtube channel, so please subscribe to that if you’re interested! You can keep up to date with when I post videos by following me on Mastodon at https://wargamers.social/@evildrganymede – again, it’ll be very irregular since I post whenever the mood strikes me but there’s a good archive of videos up there now including a full Wing Leader tutorial series and a D-Day at Peleliu solo playthrough.
You can also subscribe to my blog so you receive an email whenever I update it, comment on the individual blog articles, or send me an email!
Thanks for visiting!