EDG Worldgen 2.3, (C) 2015 Constantine Thomas. Legalese: This is provided for personal, non-commercial use only. Just give me credit if you use it. Please do not republish it anywhere. ---------------------------------------------- SYSTEM PRESENCE: hexes are 3pc in diameter Roll 1d6, on 3+ system is present in hex. --------------------------------------- GENERATE PRIMARY STAR (always present if system is present) Primary Star type: 2d6. Roll Type (base spectype) 2 A (30) 3-8 M (70) 9 K (60) 10 G (50) 11 F (40) 12 K (60) Primary Decimal (e.g. G2, M7, A4): 1d10-1 (0-9, treat 0 as 10) Primary spectype = base spectype + decimal (e.g. 50 + 5 = 55 = G5 = ) Stars have a "spectype" number, shown in the primary star generation table. This makes it easier to determine companions (if present), by adding/subtracting from the primary spectype to arrive at the companion spectype. These are then converted to their spectral type and decimal. B = 20-29 A = 30-39 F = 40-49 G = 50-59 K = 60-69 M = 70-79 Primary Star Size: 2d6. Roll Type 2 Roll 1d: 1-3=D, 4-5=III, 6=II 3 IV 4+ V If spectype = 78 or 79 and size V (M8 V or M9 V), replace with spectype-8 (i.e. turns into M0 or M1 V). If spectype = 30-59 (A/F/G) and size D/III/II, size=V. If spectype = 65-79 and size IV (K5 - M9 IV ), size=V (NOTE: stars converted to M8 V and M9 V become M0 V and M1 V as above) If size=D, no spectral type or number (just D). --------------------------------------- NUMBER OF STARS There is always at least one star if a system is present in a hex. Companion presence depends on primary star type: M V: companion present on 9+ on 2d6. K V: companion present on 8+ on 2d6. A V: companion present on 6+ on 2d6. Any other star: companion present on 7+ on 2d6. If companion is present, star is Binary. --------------------------------------- ORBITAL SEPARATION (if Binary): Roll 2d6. DM+6 if M V. M V companions are very likely to be Near. Roll Separation 2-4 Distant (1000 - 6000 AU) - - planets possible around each star. 5-8 Far (50 - 1000 AU) - planets possible around most massive star only. 9-10 Close (< 3 AU) - only circumbinary planets are possible. 11+ Near (3-25 AU) - no planets possible around either star. --------------------------------------- GENERATE COMPANION STAR If Primary is size V: Companion is V. DM-1 if Close (more likely to be similar type) DM+1 if Far or Distant (more likely to be different type) DM-3 if spectype 70+ (M V are very similar, to avoid piling up at M9 V) DM-1 if spectype 60-69 (K V are similar, to avoid piling up at late M V) DM-2 if spectype 39- (O/B/A V are very similiar due to high mass). Roll 1d6+DM: Roll Companion spectype 1- Primary spectype + (1d6-1) (0-5) 2-3 Primary spectype + (2d6-2) (0-10) 4 Primary spectype + (3d6-3) (0-15) 5 Primary spectype + (2d10) (2-20) 6+ Primary spectype + (3d10) (3-30) if companion spectype > 80, companion spectype = 79 (M9 V) If Primary is size IV: Roll 1d6: Roll Companion Size 5- V : spectype = primary spectype + (2d6-7) 6 IV : spectype = primary spectype - (1d6-1) (less massive companion will be subgiant for shorter, so is less red). If Primary is size II/III/D: No companion. Star is a Solo star, not a Binary. (easier this way. May fix though). Companions can be M8 V or M9 V (unlike primaries). If spectype = 30-59 (A/F/G) and size D/III/II, size=V. If spectype = 65-79 and size IV (K5 - M9 IV ), size=V. If size=D, no spectral type or number (just D). --------------------------------------- DETERMINE IF PLANETS EXIST AROUND STAR(S) For Solo stars, Close/Far/Distant Binaries: If primary is M5 V - M7 V: Planets exist on 4+ on 1d6. If primary is M2 V - M4 V: Planets exist on 3+ on 1d6. If primary is M0 V - M1 V: Planets exist on 2+ on 1d6. For all other primaries, planets automatically exist around stars. Near Binaries never have planets. if planets are present: continue system generation. If planets are not present: list stars and hex location only, move onto next hex. --------------------------------------- MAINWORLD ORBITAL ZONE: 2d6+DM. DM+5 if M2 V - M4 V (never I, rarely H, often M/O) DM+1 if M0 V - M1 V (never I, often H/M/O) DM+1 if II/III/D (Inner zone worlds are destroyed in giant phase. Worlds generated in other zones and adjusted later on) Roll Zone 2- Inner 3-8 Habitable 9-11 Middle 12+ Outer M5 V - M7 V: worlds are Outer zone (I/H/M too close to star for planets). --------------------------------------- WORLD SIZE: If zone = I/H/M: 3d-3. (roll 16 = size 0, roll 17 = size 1, roll 18 = size 2) If zone = O: 1d6: Roll Size 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 2 5 3 6 4 DM-1 to size UWP (*not* roll) if world size is 2+ and outer zone, and star is M V. (M V stars have smaller GGs, so outer zone worlds - which are always GG satellites - are smaller) Digit Radius/km Diameter/km Gravity/g Diameter/mi (CT UWP) Example 0 (Asteroids) < 1,000 km Negligible < 625 mi (0) Asteroids S < 1,000 km < 2,000 km Negligible < 1,250 mi (S) 1 1,000 km 2,000 km 0.05 1,250 mi (1) Triton, Pluto 2 2,000 km 4,000 km 0.15 2,500 mi (3) Luna, Europa, Io 3 3,000 km 6,000 km 0.35 3,750 mi (4) Mercury, Mars, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan 4 4,000 km 8,000 km 0.45 5,000 mi (5) 5 5,000 km 10,000 km 0.70 6,250 mi (6) 6 6,000 km 12,000 km 1.00 7,500 mi (8) Venus, Earth 7 7,000 km 14,000 km 1.20 8,750 mi (9) 8 8,000 km 16,000 km 1.35 10,000 mi (A) KOI 72.01 9 9,000 km 18,000 km 1.50 11,250 mi (B) A 10,000 km 20,000 km 1.70 12,500 mi (D) KOI 314.02 B 11,000 km 22,000 km 1.85 13,750 mi (E) KOI 157.06 C 12,000 km 24,000 km 2.00 15,000 mi (F) KOI 122.01 ------------------------------------------------- IS MAINWORLD TIDELOCKED TO STAR? If size 5+ and primary star is K2-K9 V and Zone = I/H, planet is Tidelocked to star. If size 5+ and primary star is M0-M9 V and Zone = I/H/M, planet is Tidelocked to star. ------------------------------------------------- IS MAINWORLD A SATELLITE? All worlds (size 1-4) in Outer Zone are automatically Satellites (of gas giants). Otherwise: if star is M V: All worlds (size 1-4) in Outer zone will be GG satellites. All worlds in I/H/M Zones are NOT satellites (tidelocking prevents large moons). if star is K V: if size 1 and Zone M, world is always a Satellite. (minimum primary: small rockies) if size 2 and Zone M, roll 1d6: on 3-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: mid-sized rockies) if size 3 and Zone M, roll 1d6: on 1-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: large rockies, 0.3-1 MJ GGs) if size 4 and Zone M, roll 2d6: on 3-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: 1-3 MJ GGs) All other worlds in I/H/M Zones are not satellites. if star is anything else: if size 1 and Zone I/H/M, world is always a Satellite. (minimum primary: small rockies) if size 2 and Zone I/H/M, roll 1d6: on 3-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: large rockies) if size 3 and Zone I/H/M, roll 1d6: on 1-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: very large rockies, 0.3-1 MJ GGs) if size 4 and Zone I/H/M, roll 2d6: on 3-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: 1-3+ MJ GGs) if size 5 and Zone I/H/M, roll 2d6: on 2-, world is a Satellite. (minimum primary: 6+ MJ GGs) All other worlds in I/H/M Zones are not satellites. Size 0 worlds (asteroid belts) are never Satellites. If world is Tidelocked (to star), it cannot be a Satellite. (NOTE: Satellites are automatically tidelocked to their planets instead, not to their stars - their day is the same as their orbital period around planet). ------------------------------------------------ WORLD ATMOSPHERE: If star spectype <= 45 (A0 to F5, any size) and zone = H, treat as Inner zone. INNER ZONE: if size 2-: atm 0 If size 3 or 4: roll 1d6. DM-1 if size 3, DM+1 if size 4: Roll Atm 2- 0 3 1 4 2 5+ A If size 5+, roll 2d-7+size: Roll Atm 0- 0 1 1 2 2 3-10 A 11 B 12-15 C 16 G 17 H HABITABLE ZONE (and star spectype >= 46 (F6 - M9, any size)): if size 2-: atm 0 If size 3 or 4: roll 1d6. DM-1 if size 3, DM+1 if size 4: Roll Atm 2- 0 3 1 4 2 5+ A If size 5+, roll 2d-7+size. if atm < 0, atm = 0 MIDDLE ZONE: if size 2-: atm 0 If size 3 or 4: roll 1d6. DM+0 if size 3, DM+2 if size 4: Roll Atm 2- 0 3 1 4 2 5+ A If size 5+, roll 2d-7+size: Roll Atm 0-11 A (size 5 can hold onto thick atm in Middle zone) 12 B 13 D 14-15 F 16 G 17 H OUTER ZONE: if size 1-: atm 0 Roll 1d6: DM +0 if size 2. DM +1 if size 3. DM +2 if size 4. Roll Atm 2- 0 3 1 4 2 5+ A ---- If size II or III: If Habitable Zone: (assumed to be H zone of original Main sequence star) if atm 3-, atm = 0 if atm 4-10/E, atm = A if atm B/C, atm = C if atm D/F/G/H, atm = G if size II and size 6-, atm 0 if size III and size 4-, atm 0 Zone = Inner (of current giant star) If Middle Zone: (assumed to be M zone of original Main sequence star) if size II and size 5-, atm 0 if size III and size 3-, atm 0 Zone = Inner (of current giant star) If Outer Zone: if size II and size 5-, atm 0 and Zone = Inner (of current giant star). if size III and size 3-, atm 0 roll 1d6: 2-, Inner, 3 Habitable, 4 Middle, 5+ Outer. (of current giant star) If atm 0-, atm 0 If size 0, atm 0. Atm 0 = Vacuum Atm 1 = Trace Atm 2 = Very Thin, Exotic Atm 3 = Very Thin, N2/O2 Atm 4-9 = (as normal) Atm A = Exotic Atm B = Corrosive Atm C = Inferno Atm D = Dense, High Atm E = Thin, Low Atm F = Panthalassic Atm G = Superdense Atm H = Subgiant ------------------------------------------------ TEMPERATURE Temperature codes (single digit in UWP after PBG): 1 = Frozen 2 = Cold 3 = Temperate 4 = Hot 5 = Roasting INNER ZONE: Temp = Roasting (5) HABITABLE ZONE: 2d6. DM +1 if atm 8/9 DM +2 if atm D/F DM +4 if atm B/G/H Roll Temperature 5- Cold (2) 6-9 Temperate (3) 10-13 Hot (4) 14+ Roasting (5) If atm C/G/H, Temp = Roasting (5) In Inner/Habitable zone: If atm 0 or 1, roll 2d6 without DMs to determine average temperature, but temperature actually swings from Roasting during the day to Frozen during the night. Tide-locked worlds in Inner/Habitable Zone have Temp+1 on Dayside, Temp in Twilight Zone, Temp-1 on Darkside. MIDDLE ZONE: if atm D/F/G/H: Roll 1d6. Roll Temperature 1-4 Cold (2) 5-6 Temperate (3) If any other atm, Temp = Frozen (1) Tidelocked worlds in Middle Zone cannot be warmer than Temperate anywhere on their surface. Most are Cold on Dayside, and Frozen in Twilight Zone and Darkside. OUTER ZONE: Temperature = Frozen (1) Tide-locked worlds in Outer Zone are Frozen all over. If star size IV, and Zone H or M, and temperature is 1-4 (Frozen to Hot): Add 1 to Temperature (i.e. make it hotter by one increment). if new Temp = 5 (Roasting) and atm 4-9/D, change atm to C. ------------------------------------------------ HYDROGRAPHICS: INNER ZONE: Hyd 0 HABITABLE ZONE: Size DMs DM-2 if size 3- DM+2 if size A+ Atm DMs DM-6 if atm 0/1 DM-4 if atm B Temp DMs DM-6 if Hot and atm 0/1 DM-4 if Hot and atm 2/3 DM-2 if Hot and Atm 4-B/E If atm E, hyd = 1d6 + Temp DMs only If any other atm, hyd = 2d6-2 + Size DMs + Atm DMs + Temp DMs If Roasting and atm 0-C/E: hyd 0 If atm F, hyd = A (Panthalassic) MIDDLE ZONE: (If Cold or Frozen, hydrographics are always frozen water here (Ic)). Atm Hyd Roll Atm 0-2: 1d6-4 Atm A/B: 1d6 Atm D: 2d6 Atm F: Hyd = A (don't roll) Atm G/H: 2d6+4 OUTER ZONE: Atm 0-2: Hyd 0 * (see Ic classification) A: 1d6-3 (Fl classification) NOTES: if size =0, hyd = 0. if hyd 0-, Hyd = 0. if hyd A+, Hyd = A. Hyd = A for atm F (Panthalassic). Atm D/F/G/H can be Hyd A even if Roasting or Hot (due to high pressure). If primary is White Dwarf (D) star, make following changes *now*, after generating hydrographics: Zone = Outer atm = 0 temp = 1 (Frozen) (atm is blown away, temperature is Frozen, hydrographics are frozen). ------------------------------------------------ POPULATION: 2d-2+DMs DM -1 if size 1-3. (due to low gravity) DM -1 if size A+. (due to high gravity) DM -1 for atm 0-3/A DM -0 for atm 4/7/9/D/E DM +2 for atm 5/6/8 DM -4 for atm B/F DM -6 for atm C/G/H DM -1 if Cold or Hot (temp 2 or 4). DM -2 if Frozen (temp 1). DM -4 if Roasting (temp 5). DM -1 if Tidelocked. if Pop 0-, pop = 0 if pop A+, pop = A POPULATION MULTIPLIER: If Pop > 0, roll 2d and consult table below for pop multiplier. Roll Mult 2 9 3 8 4 6 5 4 6 1 7 2 8 1 9 3 10 5 11 7 12 9 If Pop = 0, pop multiplier = 0. ------------------------------------------------ GOVERNMENT: if pop 0, gov = x ("x" code denotes "no inhabitants", vs gov code 0) If Pop 1-4: roll 1D DM+1 if pop 3/4 Roll Gov 1 0 2-3 1 4 2 5+ 6 --------------- If Pop 5+ Roll 2D: 2 3 3 D 4 B 5 8 6 5 7 4 8 7 9 9 10 A 11 C 12 F ------------------------------------------------ LAW LEVEL: Depends on government: Gov 0 and pop 1+: roll 2d-2 (range 0-10) Gov 1/2/4 (Unoppressive): roll 2d-2 (range 0-10) Gov 5/6/7/8 (Potentially oppressive): roll 2d (range 2-12) Gov 3/9/A/B/C (Often oppressive): roll 2d+3 (range 5-15) Gov D/E/F (Always oppressive): roll 2d+8 (range 10-20) if pop=0, law=x (not 0) Law table: 0: No Law --------------------(lawless - no prohibitions, survival of the fittest)--------------------- 1: No military/assault/heavy weapons (rifles/automatic weapons licenced) Unrestricted Freedom of Speech 2: No rifles/automatic weapons (handguns/shotguns licenced) 3: No handguns/shotguns (concealed weapons licenced) 4: No concealed weapons (melee weapons licenced) 5: No melee weapons 6: No unlicenced weapons Limited freedom of speech/expression 7: Non-invasive surveillance measures 8: Limited rights for groups/genders 9: Detention without trial in some circumstances A: No licenced weapons Invasive security measures B: Rigid control of civilian movement C: Unrestricted invasion of privacy D: Paramilitary law enforcement E: Full-fledged police state F: All facets of daily life rigidly controlled G: severe punishment for petty infractions H: legalised oppressive practices J: routinely oppressive and restrictive K: excessively oppressive and restrictive L: totally oppressive and restrictive ------------------------------------------------ STARPORT: roll 1d6 on the following table (based on pop) 1D 0 1-3 4-6 7+ (Pop) ---------------------------------- 1 E C B A 2 E D B A 3 X D C B 4 X D C B 5 X E C B 6 X E D C Starport X can only be allocated to worlds with pop 1+ by GM decision. If Starport=X and pop 1+, max tech=8 (planetbound). ------------------------------------------------ TECH LEVEL: Add Tech DMs to Base TL BASE TL: Atm Base TL 0-3/A 8 4-9 6 B/F 9 C/G/H A D/E 7 Tech DMs: Digit Starport Size Hyd Pop Gov 0 +2 (+1) -- -- 1 +1 -- -- -- 2 +1 -- -- -- 3 +1 -- -- -- 4 +1 -- -- -- 5 -- -- -- +1 6 -- -- -- -- 7 -- -- -- +1 8 -- -- -- -- 9 -- +1 +1 -- A +3 +2 +2 +2 -- B +2 +2 -- C +1 +2 -- D -- -1 E -- F -- -- X (max 8) If Hyd 0 and I/H/M zone, Tech DM +1. If Outer zone, Tech DM = 0. (water is always available on outer worlds) MINIMUM TLs: if pop 9/A: Minimum TL = 4. if pop B/C: Minimum TL = A If atm 3- or atm A+. Minimum TL = Base TL. if starport A, Minimum TL=A if starport B, Minimum TL=9 if starport C, Minimum TL=8 If Starport=X and pop > 1, max tech=8 (planetbound). If Pop=0, Tech Level=x (not 0) If TL < 0, TL = 0 ------------------------------------------------- EDG TRADE CODES: Ag (Agricultural): atm 4-9, hyd 4+, pop 5-7, Temperate. As (Asteroid Belt): size 0, atm 0, hyd 0. Ba (Barren): pop 0. De (Desert World): atm 2+, hyd 0, Temperate/Hot/Roasting. Fl (Fluid Oceans): (atm B, hyd 1+) or (atm A, hyd 1+, Outer Zone). Ga (Garden World): siz 5+, atm 5/6/8, hyd 4-8, Temperate. Hi (High pop): pop 9+. Ht (High Tech): tech C+, pop 1+ Ic (Icecapped): (Outer Zone, hyd 0+) or (Habitable/Middle Zone, Frozen/Cold, hyd 1+). In (Industrial): atm 0-4/7/9/A, pop 7+. Lo (Low Population): pop 1-3. Lt (Low Tech): tech 5-, pop 1+. Na (Non-Agricultural): atm 0-3/A/B, hyd 0-3, pop 6+. Ni (Non-Industrial): pop 1-5. Op (Oppressive): law B+. Pn (Panthalassic): Atm F/G/H, Hyd A. Po (Poor): siz 1-3, atm 0-3/A, pop 1-4. Ri (Rich): siz 6+, atm 4-9, pop 7+. Va (Vacuum World): siz 1+, atm 0/1. Wa (Water World): hyd A. ------------------------------------------------- GAS GIANTS Gas Giant presence? roll 2d6. Roll --------Primary star------ M V K V G V Other 2 No No No Yes 3 No No Yes Yes 4 No Yes Yes Yes 5+ Yes Yes Yes Yes If world is Satellite and world size is 3+, Jovian is present (mainworld is in orbit around it). If Gas Giant is present, roll 2d6+DMs DM-6 if A V Primary (less Gas Giants, but tend to be bigger in size) DM+1 if M V Primary (more Gas Giants, but tend to be smaller in size) Roll # of Gas Giants 3- 1 4-5 2 6-7 3 8-10 4 11+ 5 ------------------------------------------------- PLANETOID BELTS: 2d6 Roll # of Belts 2-10 0 11 1 12 2 If world size = 0 and # of Belts = 0: # of Belts = 1 (if no Gas Giants, # of Gas Giants = 1) If no Gas giants and world size 1+, # of Belts = 0. (need gas giants to have belts) If # of Belts > # of Gas Giants, # of Belts = # of Gas Giants.