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Welcome to the Lair of Evil Dr Ganymede! On this site, you’ll find my articles about Battletech, Elite Dangerous, 2300AD and Science as well as more general articles about role-playing games, worldbuilding, and Stellar Mapping that I’ve written or co-authored, along with artwork that I’ve created using 3D modelling software (POVray and Lightwave) over the years. I’ve also put my Ph.D. Thesis and abstracts online on my Science page.

I run a blog here in which I generally talk about RPGs and worldbuilding, and interesting planetary science and astronomy topics, and any other stuff I find interesting too (you can read all the blog entries below this post, so scroll down! To read the full article, just click on the title of the entry in the blog). There’s no fixed schedule, I just post whenever I feel I have something interesting to say :). If you just want to read blog entries about specific subjects (e.g. Battletech, 2300AD, Science, Worldbuilding, Stellar Mapping, etc) you can just click the link in the sidebar on the right under “Categories” (you can use that link as a bookmark too).

I also sometimes post boardgame and videogame playthrough videos on my my Youtube channel, so please subscribe to that if you’re interested! You can keep up to date with when I post videos by following me on Mastodon at https://wargamers.social/@evildrganymede – again, it’ll be very irregular since I post whenever the mood strikes me but there’s a good archive of videos up there now including a full Wing Leader tutorial series and a D-Day at Peleliu solo playthrough.

You can also subscribe to my blog so you receive an email whenever I update it, comment on the individual blog articles, or send me an email!

Thanks for visiting!

[Mothership] THOUSAND EMPTY LIGHT – a full playthrough

Hello again, I made a thing! I have been interested in the Mothership scifi rpg for a while, and I chanced upon a solo scenario for it by Alfred Valley called Thousand Empty Light. This was a revelation to me in a couple of ways – first, although I played roleplaying games for a good couple of decades of my life, I was completely unaware of the concept of playing them solo (beyond a ‘choose your own adventure’ book anyway). Second because it is just so well put together. It’s presented as a company document instructing a “Lamplighter” (that’s you) who has to enter an underwater facility beneath an alien ocean and turn the power back on there – and since this is designed with Mothership in mind of course there’s something horrible down there. On top of that though there are codes to crack, secrets to find, and all sorts of hidden goodies to track down. You can check it out (and buy a copy) from Alfred Valley’s itch.io page and I heartily recommend that you do (I would also recommend the accompanying soundtrack “Sleeping in a Drowning Stone”, which is also available from there and served as excellent background music while I was writing).

The general idea with solo RPGs is that you’re given a framework of a setting to work in, and you explore it by asking questions that have a yes/no answer (e.g. “can I see any tools here” or “does the creature look hostile” etc). Then you roll dice and consult an “Oracle” which is a table that has “no”, “no but…”, “yes but” and “yes…” answers along with some prompts to help you describe the scene – e.g. if you asked “can I see any tools here” and rolled a “yes but” then you may see some but they’re in a locked cabinet that you’d need to break into. And then you fill out what happens to move the story forward and move on to the next situation, and repeat as required. In this specific scenario you’d use the Mothership rpg system to resolve things like skill checks, saves, and combat as well.

Now, I’ll be the first to say I probably didn’t do everything “right” here but then maybe there isn’t really a “right” way beyond just having fun with it, and I certainly did enjoy the experience. First I tried gathering some binary keys from Alfred’s site and the internet in order to tackle some of the binary codebreaking, and one of the prompts there gave me an idea. Then I started playing through and writing it up the thoughts of the lamplighter as a “journal” from the perspective of the character (I ended up writing over 11,000 words, which is the most I’ve written for anything in a very long time so I think I can safely say that I did get into it!). I started off just using the Oracle and taking whatever it said literally so things begin a little strangely, but as I went along I started using it less for the descriptive prompts and more for the yes/no answers, and then by the last couple of sections I had formed a good idea about where everything was going so I pretty much freeformed the rest of it (about halfway through I managed to decode/find all the secrets in the book too so that caused the story to evolve a little differently that I initially intended too). I’m pretty sure one could just use the Oracle as prompts for creative writing in general too. I should also add that this isn’t the only way to play solo RPGs – Mothership is actually intended to be a multiplayer RPG but there are plenty of dedicated solo RPGs out there now (I’ve bought a few of them but haven’t had a chance to look at them yet, but hopefully I’ll write something about those here later).

I think I’ve come up with something good here anyway – so without further ado, here is my playthrough of Thousand Empty Light! Let me know what you think! 🙂

THOUSAND EMPTY LIGHT – a full playthrough

arrival on UPB 154

UPB 154 was a grey, bleak, forbidding world coming in on the shuttle, and it’s a gray, bleak, forbidding world now I’m on the “ground” too. I say that in quotes because there is no actual ground here, just a creaking metal platform hammered by the winds and rain and spray of this godforsaken planet. Barring a few barren rocks poking above the surface, the entire planet is covered by a corrosively salty ocean and an unbroken layer of thick grey clouds above that. The wind gusts and howls, the waves crash on the caisson, and the rains lash me mercilessly as I stand on the platform watching the shuttle depart. I hate this place already.

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[Battletech] Advanced Rules: Realistic Mech Movement

In my last post I showed how most Battlemechs couldn’t actually walk as fast as described in the game – if you missed that then you can read it at How fast can a Battlemech walk?. In this post I will present some optional Advanced Rules to implement the more realistic mech movement described there.

This is what I’m setting out to achieve here:

– Mechs now walk, run, and sprint at realistic speeds.
– Where possible, movement rates should be as consistent as possible with their current stats. That said, the fastest mechs must be slower here because it’s now impossible for them to be as fast as they were – this means they will have smaller engines and more space for equipment.
– It must be possible to design mechs so that their engine ratings (and gyros) are comparable with published designs.
– MASC, Superchargers and TSM will have a similar effect on speed as in the existing rules.
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[Battletech] How fast can a Battlemech walk?

A good demonstration of how a Locust doesn’t walk! 🙂

Or: “Can a Locust Battlemech really walk 240m in only 10 seconds?”

The answer, perhaps surprisingly, is “no, it can’t” – a Locust (or indeed any battlemech) could run that far in that time… but it is actually physically impossible for it to walk 240m in 10 seconds (at least in gravity similar to Earth’s). To discover why, we must take a rather fascinating scientific journey that sheds some light on something that perhaps many of us take for granted – the mechanics of how we move on two legs! Read on to learn more…
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[Battletech] Revisiting the Mech Record Sheets

You hear the distant boom of an Autocannon echoing across the landscape and your mech shudders at the shell impacts against its left torso, blasting off some of the armour plating. It’s not enough to significantly damage your mech, but certainly enough to get your attention as you scan for your attacker and raise your arm-mounted PPC to respond…

And so the player peers at their Mech Record Sheet, and marks off five points of damage on the Left Torso:

five damage marked on the left torso on a normal record sheet
Just your normal everyday record sheet.

But something’s funny here, to me at least. The way I see it, the side marked “Left Torso” is actually shown on the right side of the mech (it’s the player’s left side, but not the mech’s left side)! This has bugged me since I first started playing Battletech back in the 80s, and now I’ve started playing again I was reminded of it once again so I thought I’d dig into this a little further.
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[Battletech] Realistic gravity-based Jump Point Distances

I’ve got back into Battletech recently and I’ve been trying to reverse-engineer how the Proximity Limit is calculated (because I like to know how these things work). First, here’s a little background if you’re unaware of how jump works in Battletech. According to the fluff, Jumpships use a “Kearny-Fuchida drive” to travel over interstellar distances almost instantaneously. Traditionally they arrive at the Zenith/Nadir points – above the north and south poles of a star respectively – at the Proximity Limit, which is (supposedly) determined by the gravitational field of the star. These Jumpships usually carry Dropships, which then detach from the Jumpship with their cargo of mechs and head towards their target planet using normal fusion drives. Meanwhile, the Jumpship (which has little more than a few manoeuvering thrusters) generally sits at the arrival point and unfurls a large solar sail about a kilometre in diameter that it uses to recharge its drive in readiness for the next jump, which usually takes around a week (150-200 hrs).

After looking at the latest version of the stellar data table on pg. 100 of Campaign Ops, and I made an interesting observation: the Proximity Limit is not based on gravity. Given all the fluff says that this distance is determined by gravity (e.g. the notes on pg. 122 of Strategic Ops, summarised as “hyperspace fields don’t like gravity”) this is somewhat surprising. It turns out I’m not actually the first to notice this either – a thread on the battletech forums from over a decade ago discusses this too, but no solution to this is presented there. So I wondered – what would it look like if the Proximity Limit was calculated using gravity?

If you just want to skip to the point – here’s the gravity-based Safe Jump Distance table that you can use in your Battletech games instead of the published ones (this is just intended as a variant to use if you want more realistic values):

Table showing recalculated gravity-based Safe Jump Distance values.

If you want to know the technical details behind how I calculated this then read on…
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Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture – full playthrough

I’ve posted a full playthrough of Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture on Youtube! I hope you take a look at it, it’s a fantastic story with great characters, beautiful graphics and an amazing soundtrack! If you enjoy watching it then I’d love to hear what you think in the comments, and please do like the videos and subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Episode 1: Quarantine: find out what happens to the inhabitants of the sleepy English village of Yaughton as they are visited by an unearthly force far beyond their understanding!


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[Elite Dangerous] The Great Colonia Expedition Part 3 – Eagle Nebula to Sacaqawea Space Port (Skaudai AA-A Nebula)

Here is the third leg of the Great Colonia Expedition, from Eagle’s Landing in the Eagle Nebula to Sacaqawea Space Port – the voyage was from the 17th Feb to 11th March 3303! I also found my first Ammonia World here! During the trip I started up my Elite Dangerous Exploration Streams at https://www.twitch.tv/evildrganymede, so you can see where I took some of these in my streams too!
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[Elite Dangerous] The Great Colonia Expedition Part 2 – Lagoon Nebula to Eagle Nebula

The second leg of the Great Colonia Expedition was from Amundsen Terminal in the Lagoon Nebula to Eagle’s Landing in the Eagle Nebula, spanning from the 9th Feb to 13th Feb 3303! On the way I stopped off at the Omega Nebula and the Traikaae AA-A nebula high above the Galactic Plane, and gradually realised that I was in this for the long haul!
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[Elite Dangerous] I found an amazing system!

I found an insane system on my travels!! It contains a Class V gas giant that orbits its white dwarf primary in only 15 minutes, and passes through the jet of the WD! Its orbital distance from the WD is 0.4 ls, so close that it cannot actually be reached using supercruise (the WD drops the ship out of SC about 2 ls out). There is also a nearby M V companion star a few ls away. As an aside, there is an unusually high number of Carbon Star systems around this location too.

The planet is so close to the WD that (a) it is within the WD’s Roche Limit and should have been torn apart to form a ring system and (b) orbits faster than the WD’s rotation period (which itself is only 16 minutes) and therefore is spiralling in to the WD anyway due to tidal forces. The system is also 7.8 billion years old – how the gas giant continues to survive, how it got into its current orbit around the WD, and how the WD and its planet both got so close to the M V star after the end of the WD’s former red giant phase are all deep mysteries!

The System Name is BLAA PHOE NC-D D12-230, and it should already be in the 3D map of the latest version of EDDiscovery (under the name “Death Spiral”). Check it out, CMDRs! 🙂

Click for larger version:

20 second timelapse video:
15 minute full video (with music in the first half):